Work accidents

This area covers all cases related to occupational accidents, that is, all those bodily injuries that the worker suffers on the occasion or as a consequence of work carried out as an employee (art.115.1 LGSS).

Thus, they must realize three fundamental elements for an occupational accident to occur: bodily injury, work as an employee or self-employed, and the causal relationship between work and injury.

That being said, it should be noted that bodily injury is considered to be damaged caused at work by:

  1.  A wound
  2. Knock
  3. Burn
  4. Drop
  5. Illness
  6. Sequelae, mental or psychological illnesses

However, for the work accident to be properly recognized and in order to receive the corresponding compensation, there must be a relationship (direct or indirect) between the injury and the job, for this, a connection must be proven by the injured worker.

Therefore, at The Firm, we provide you with our legal advice as well as our best experts, carrying out a detailed study of your case thorough a physical evaluation and a economic quantification of the injuries caused by your work accident to achieve the best result in defending your procedure.

law area

Labor Law


Work Accidents


1 year from knowledge of the extent of the damage or medical discharge (Spanish Law)

types of work accidents

1Accident suffered by direct or causal relationship to work tasks

2 Accident suffered by indirect or mediated relationship with work:

a) Accident in itinere: Suffered by the worker going to or returning from the place of work

b) Accident suffered on occasion or as a consequence of holding work elective union positions

c) Accident suffered on the occasion or as a consequence of the tasks that, even though they are different from the professional category, the worker executes in compliance with the orders of the employer or spontaneously in the interest of the proper functioning of the company.

d) Accident occurred in rescue acts and in others of a similar nature, when both have a connection to work.




Despite technological advances and professional knowledge, there is still a great deficiency in the prevention and training of occupational risks that lead to numerous occupational accidents.

In fact, as can be seen in the statistics, in the last recent years, there has been a significant increase in accidents of a minor and serious nature.

Thus, in our office we firmly believe that the purpose of claiming a work accident is not only to compensate the damage suffered by the worker but to eradicate certain risk behaviors and lack of prevention and occupational safety that unfortunately originate this type of accident.

Andrea Sánchez

El bufete de The Firm, resolvió de forma muy eficaz y rápida todos los problemas que me surgieron después de haber sufrido un accidente de tráfico, encargándose de toda la gestión de principio a fin. Estoy muy agradecida por su brillante trabajo, los recomiendo sin duda alguna!

Steve O'Sullivan

The team of lawyers at “The Firm” was extremely helpful.They were very attentive to my needs and advised me in the best way at all times, informing me of all the steps of the procedure, receiving in the end a high compensation for medical negligence.Very happy with your services!

Marie Durand

L’equipe de “The Firm” a réussi, après avoir travaillé de nombreuses années en Espagne, traiter mon incapacité de travail et après un grand effort et une superbe defense ils ont obtenu la pension dont j’avais tant besoin! Mille merci!!!