Classes and disability degrees

classes and disability degrees

(Post based in Spanish Law)

Disability is the physical (mobility) and/or psychic (mental) limitations that a person suffers and that affect their social integration as an individual, which implies not only at a physical or mental level but also at a work, cultural and social level.

To accredit the degree of disability, it is necessary to have a disability certificate or card, which is an official document that certifies the legal status of a person with a disability, who is granted a specific degree of disability.

This degree of disability is evaluated by means of a state scale and the limitations of the person and related complementary social factors such as the family environment, the employment, educational and cultural situation, which hinder their social inclusion, are assessed.

The degree of disability will be expressed as a percentage and the disability is recognized from a degree of 33%.

Royal Decree 1971/1999, of December 23, on the procedure for the recognition, declaration and qualification of the degree of disability establishes that there are 5 classes of disability, according to their percentage level:

  • Class I: 0% No disability – The individual presents symptoms, signs or sequelae but there is no decrease in disability nor an impediment to perform any of the ADLs (activities of daily living)
  • Class II: 1% to 24% Mild disability – The individual presents symptoms, signs or sequelae that cause slight difficulty in carrying out activities of daily living.
  • Class III: 25% to 49% Moderate disability – The symptoms, signs or sequelae cause a significant decrease or impossibility of the person’s ability to perform some of the activities of daily living, being independent in activities of daily living and self care.
  • Class IV: 50% to 70% Severe disability – The symptoms, signs or sequelae cause a significant decrease or impossibility of the person’s ability to perform most activities of daily living, and some of the self-care activities may be affected.
  • Class V: 75% or higher Very severe disability – The symptoms, signs or sequelae are so severe that they completely prevent the individual from carrying out daily activities.

The disability rate is expressed in percentage and the great majority of benefits are recognized from 33% disability